Leading Specialist Dr. med. Ulrich Schaller

1989 – 1996Study of human medicine at LMU Munich
1995Studied at Hadassah University , Jerusalem, Israel.
1996Third state exam
Internship at the Shealy Eye Center , University of California San Francisco, La Jolla, California, USA (Prof. W. R. Freeman)
1997 – 1998Doctor internship at the LMU University Eye Hospital Munich (Director: Prof. Dr. med. Anselm Kampik )
1998License to Practice Medicine, PhD
1998 – 2004University Eye Clinic, LMU Munich
2002Ophthalmology Specialist
2004 – 2005
Lecturer in the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Nairobi, Kenya, long-term lecturer program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
2006 – 2011Chief Physician of the University Eye Hospital LMU Munich
2008Getting a professorship
2011 – 2013Senior Consultant, Eye Clinic Augsburg (Chief Physician Prof. Dr. med. Artur J. Müller)
from July 2013Attending physician at the Herzog Carl Theodor Eye Clinic
since January 2014Joint activity with Dr. med. A. Refeld
since 1997
Congress Speaker: German Ophthalmological Society (DOG), German Ophthalmological Academy (AAD), Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
since 2008
Teaching and examination work, state examinations at the Faculty of Medicine of the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
July 2015
He was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of the Turkmen State Medical University, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan for many years of development and support in the field of ophthalmology.
October 2020Honorary professorship awarded by the Myrat Garryyev State Medical University of Turkmenistan
April 2022Execution of the honorary professorship at the Myrat Garryyev State Medical University of Turkmenistan according to §27 Para. 6 of the professional code for Bavarian doctors by the Bavarian State Medical Association (BLAEK)

Certificate DOG “Plastic and aesthetic surgery in ophthalmology”

Essien eye Care

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