1989 – 1996 | Study of human medicine at LMU Munich |
1995 | Studied at Hadassah University , Jerusalem, Israel. |
1996 | Third state exam |
1996 | Internship at the Shealy Eye Center , University of California San Francisco, La Jolla, California, USA (Prof. W. R. Freeman) |
1997 – 1998 | Doctor internship at the LMU University Eye Hospital Munich (Director: Prof. Dr. med. Anselm Kampik ) |
1998 | License to Practice Medicine, PhD |
1998 – 2004 | University Eye Clinic, LMU Munich |
2002 | Ophthalmology Specialist |
2004 – 2005 | Lecturer in the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Nairobi, Kenya, long-term lecturer program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
2006 – 2011 | Chief Physician of the University Eye Hospital LMU Munich |
2008 | Getting a professorship |
2011 – 2013 | Senior Consultant, Eye Clinic Augsburg (Chief Physician Prof. Dr. med. Artur J. Müller) |
from July 2013 | Attending physician at the Herzog Carl Theodor Eye Clinic |
since January 2014 | Joint activity with Dr. med. A. Refeld |
since 1997 | Congress Speaker: German Ophthalmological Society (DOG), German Ophthalmological Academy (AAD), Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) |
since 2008 | Teaching and examination work, state examinations at the Faculty of Medicine of the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich |
July 2015 | He was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of the Turkmen State Medical University, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan for many years of development and support in the field of ophthalmology. |